Thursday, October 31, 2013

Gaming, Mazes, and Free Giraffe Pics, all in one posting :)

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Free Giraffe Profile Pic
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Many players who enjoy gaming and playing casino games believe that they can beat the odds. In many cases this is due to the fact that people have a hard time in believing in random events and they believe that they can find a pattern within the maze and predict the random outcome. Many players go further and believe that all random events are the result of a mathematical algorithm. Randomness is indeed a mathematical concept however, the fact that random events can be described mathematically does not mean that they are deterministic. In fact, their predictability is irrelevant. To call something random is simply to state that the observer does not know what the outcome will be. Many events that we perceive as random are in fact deterministic by nature, but, they are so complex that it is impossible for us to determine what the result will be. A good example of this is players who play the game of roulette whether online or at the land based casino and they have theories on the outcome of the game such as the value of making a wager using prime numbers. Where the ball lands on the roulette wheel is indeed related to the amount of force used to throw the ball as well as the spinning of the wheel, in practice however it is impossible to predict where the ball will land. Players need to be aware that even though a pattern may indeed occur, these patterns do not predict future events.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Maze Fun

37 maze
Maze of the Prime Number 37 - For maze's solution, click here
You’ve always been a party animal and there is no reason that you shouldn’t be having fun on the weekend. These days, however, you find yourself enjoying some of the quieter activities that you have planned more. And these include sitting in your yard with your iPad in your lap, your cat next to you, a cold soda with you and the awesome games that you love to play from the mobile casino. All of this combines to offer you the best way to enjoy what comes your way each day since you have the energy and enthusiasm of the online casino games to carry you through other activities that are less exciting in your life. And you love knowing at the end of a busy day or at the start of the weekend that you can always grab your iPad or your home computer and start to play awesome games that will put a smile on your face and a spring in your step later on when it comes to doing things that you might not want to do as much. It’s awesome to have this secret in your back pocket and to have time to enjoy like this.

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